words + publications
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2024. Sound Research for Troubling Times: Hope in Crisis. Co-edited w/ Owen Chapman. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2024. Energy Emergency Repair Kit (E.E.R.K.), w/ The E.E.R.K. Collective. New York: Fordham University Press.
2023. Pedagogy at the end of the world: Weird pedagogies for unthought educational futures. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2022. Ahuman pedagogy: Multidisciplinary perspectives for education in the Anthropocene. w/ j. & jagodzinski, j. (Eds.). 2022. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
articles + book chapters
2024. De-Extinction. In C. Taylor (Ed.), The Routledge companion to gender and animals. London/New York: Routledge.
2023. No going back: Countering de-extinction, un-fixing the future [Special Issue on Extinction]. Animal Studies Journal, 12(2).
2023. Walking on sunshine. w/ Jason Wallin. In B. Herzogenrath (Ed.), New perspectives on academic writing: The thing that wouldn’t die. New York: Bloomsbury.
2022. “Against” education: A roundtable on anarchy and abolition. w/ Andrew Culp, Vicky Osterweil and Jose Rosales. In J. Beier & j. jagodzinski (Eds.), Ahuman pedagogy: Multidisciplinary perspectives for education in the Anthropocene. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2022. Ahuman manifestations: When there is no outside (or, a long, good sigh). In J. Beier & j. jagodzinski (Eds.), Ahuman pedagogy: Multidisciplinary perspectives for education in the Anthropocene. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2022. Solarities: Seeking Energy Justice. Contributer to After Oil Collective. (A. Vemuri & D. Barney, Eds.). Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
2021. Tracing a black hole: Probing cosmic darkness in Anthropocenic times. In J. Bazzul, M.F.G. Wallace, M. Higgins & S. Tolbert (Eds.)., Science x Education x Anthropocene. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2021. Art, ecology, and the politics of form: A panel revisited. w/ Loveless, N., Yang, A.S., Bolender, K., Donner, C., Smallwood, S., Olson, L. In C. Miya, O. Rossier & G. Rockwell (Eds.), Right research: Modelling sustainable research practices in the Anthropocene. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
2020. Pedagogy of the Negative: Pedagogical Heresy for ‘The End Times.’ w/ Jason Wallin. Oraxiom: A Journal of Non-Philosophy.
2019. Close encounters of the pedagogical kind: Science-fictioning a curriculum-to-come. In T. Strong-Wilson, C. Ehret, D. Lewkowich & S. Chang-Kredl (Eds.), Provoking Curriculum Encounters: New Engagements with Curriculum Theory. London: Routledge.
2018. Dispatch from the future: Science-fictioning (in) the Anthropocene. In j. jagodzinski (Ed), Interrogating the Anthropocene: The Future in Question. London/New York: Palgrave McMillan.
2017. Beyond belief: Visionary cinema, becoming imperceptible and pedagogical resistance. w/ Jason Wallin. In C. Naughton, G. Biesta, & D.R. Cole (Eds.), Art, Artists and Pedagogy: Philosophy and the Arts in Education. London: Routledge.
2017. The future is cancelled: From Melancholia to belief. In j. jagodzinski (Ed.), The precarious future of education: Risk and uncertainty in ecology, curriculum, learning, and technology. London/New York: Palgrave McMillan.
2017. Sound without organs: Inhuman refrains & the speculative potential of a cosmos-without-us. w/ Jason Wallin. In B. Herzogenrath (Ed.), Sound Thinking. New York: Bloomsbury.
2016. The disappeared future of arts-based research, Pts. I-VI: Towards a reality-without- givenness. w/ Jason Wallin. In j. jagodzinski (Ed.), What is Art Education? Essays After Deleuze and Guattari. London/ New York: Palgrave McMillan.
2014. Review of the book Surviving economic crises through education, by D. Cole (Ed.)]. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 59(4), 693-697.
2013. Dis-organ-izing the subject: Thinking with sound. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 9(2), 23-25.
2012. Visual literacy and the untimely transmogrification of the problem [Special issue]. Visual Arts Research, 39(1), 35-51.
presentations + workshops
Beier, J. (2023, Mar 8). Weird Pedagogy for the “End Times.” Public lecture for the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance’s (CSLP) 2023 Speaker Series, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec.
Beier, J. & Chapman, O. (2022, Oct 17-21). Landscape of Hope x BAM (Bennett-Argyll-Metro) Youth Artist Residency [artist residency & immersive installation], Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP), Concordia University, Montréal, Québec.
Beier, J. & Chapman, O. (2022, Apr 26-27). Landscape of Hope Research-Creation and Electronic Music Workshops & Performance [workshop and performance], Bennett Centre, Edmonton, AB. Part of the “Ways of Knowing,” “Cultures of Consent” and “Anti-Racism” Summit series.
Beier, J., Chapman, O., & Kuzyk, C. (2022, Mar 21-22). Landscape of Hope Sound Workshops [workshop], Bennett Centre, Edmonton, AB. Part of the “Ways of Knowing” and “Anti-Racism” Summit series.
Beier, J., Hall, D., Jorgenson-Skakum, D. & Taylor, C. (2022, June). Epocholyptic Scenes: Fragments of an Abécédaire. Presentation at the philoSOPHIA 2022 Conference: “Entangled Ecologies: the Climate of Justice,” George Mason University, Virginia, USA.
Beier, J. (2022, August). Countering de-extinction, un-fixing the future. Plenary talk for the first biennial meeting of the North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS): “On extinction," Toronto, Canada.
Beier, J., Chapman, O., Cortes, J., Detven, M., Nelson, B., Urbaniuk, K., Venkatesh, V., Wallin, J. (2022, June). No Outsides: AGM Panel Presentation at the International Society of Metal Music Studies (ISMMS) Conference: “Heavy Metal Music in the Global South,” Mexico City, Mexico.
Beier, J., Doolittle, E., Kuzyk, C.W., Robinson, S. Smallwood, S. (2021, October). Research-Creation, Sound Studies, & Music Pedagogy. Panel Discussion for Research-Creation in Urgent Times Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Beier, J. & Wallin, J. (2019, November). Pedagogy of the Negative: Pedagogical Heresy for “The End Times.” Paper presentation for Lectures on Ahuman Pedagogy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Beier, J. & Moore, T. (2019, November). Notes from the Energetic Quietus. Performance at Tuning Speculation VII Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Beier, J. (2019, May). An-Archival Fabulation as Speculative Experimentation. Panel presentation at “BREAKING THE ARCHIVE”: The University of Alberta Graduate Students of English Collective's Annual Graduate Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
Beier, J. (2019, March). Defamiliarizing Disruption: Weird Study & Collective Refusal. Keynote presentation at Disruption!: 2019 DiHuCon Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
Beier, J. (2019, March). Close Encounters of the Pedagogical Kind. Paper presentation at 2019 SEGSA Showcase, Edmonton, Canada.
Beier, J. (2019, February). Public Panel: Energy Literacy, Action & Transition presented by UBC Sustainability, Future Energy Systems (UofA), Language & Literacy Education (UBC), Vancouver, Canada.
Beier, J. (2018, November). Close Encounters of the Pedagogical Kind. Paper presentation at SLSA 2018: Out of Mind, Toronto, Canada.
Beier, J., Loveless, N., & Wilson, S. (2018, September). Art, Ecology, and Speculative Energy Futures. Presentation at Petrocultures 2018: Transitions, Glasgow, Scotland.
Beier, J. & Loveless, N. (2018, May). Art and/in the Anthropocene: A Debate on Sustainability and Ecology. Panel organization and moderation for KIAS: Around the World e-Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beier, J. & Jorgensen-Skakum, D. (2018, April). THE FUTURE OF FOOD IS _____________. (or, An Experiment in Gastronomical Research-Creation). Paper presentation at GSJ Graduate Students’ Conference: Seeking Social Justice: Resistance Then/Now/Tomorrow, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beier, J. (2018, March). Fail better! Panel presentation for the Digital Scholars (UofA) On the Benefits of Failure: A Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beier, J. (2018, March). Speculative Energy Futures: What Research-Creation Contributes to Future Energy Systems?. Presentation at Future Energy Systems Research Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beier, J. (2017, November). ECOLOGIX: Towards an Eco-Logic of Dissensus. Paper presented at DARE 2017: ABHERRANT NUPTIALS, Ghent, Belgium.
Beier, J. (2017, October). Dispatch from the Future: Science Fictioning in The Anthropocene. Paper presented at CGCER: Global Citizenship: Intersectionality, Solidarity and Living as Kin on a Suffering Planet Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beier, J. (2017, October). Dissent in/as Solidarity: Confronting Anthropocene Banality. Panel discussion at CGCER: Global Citizenship: Intersectionality, Solidarity and Living as Kin on a Suffering Planet Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. (Panelists include: Paige Gorsak, Danika Jorgensen McGuire, David Selsky, Charles Stubblefield.)
Beier, J. (2017, October). The Disappeared Future of Arts-Based Research. Paper presentation at the 2017 Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC) Conference, Banff, Canada.
Beier, J. (2017, June). Flight paths: Pedagogic fictions for precarious futures. Paper presentation at the 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Beier, J. (2017, March). ECOLOGIX: Towards an eco-logic of dissensus. Paper presentation at Toxic Media Ecologies: Critical Responses to the Cultural Politics of Planetary Crises Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beier, J. (2016, November). There’s no I in me (or, “I don't necessarily agree with everything I say”). Performance at Tuning Speculation IV Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Beier, J. (2015, November). Sound without organs: Inhuman refrains & the speculative potential of a cosmos-without-us. Paper presentation at Tuning Speculation III Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Beier, J. (2015, June). Schizophrenizing the art encounter: Towards a politics of dehabituation. Paper presented at 8th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Beier, J. (2015, March). Art after the human: Towards a new logic of intensity. Paper presented at National Art Education Association (NAEA) Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Beier, J. (2015, March). The ‘C’ word: Re-presenting creativity. Paper presented at National Art Education Association (NAEA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Beier, J. (2015, February). The future is cancelled: A schizoanalysis of "Melancholia". Paper presented at ‘Thinking Through Deleuze: Nomadic Subjects, Global Citizenship and Posthumanism’ Symposium, St. Catherine's, ON.
Beier, J. (2014, June). Loss in the future anterior. Paper presented at the 7th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Beier, J. (2014, March). Thinking through sound. Paper presented at ‘Sounds Rerouted’ Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Beier, J. (2013, June). Sense and sonic territories in ‘Dirt City’. Paper presented at the 6th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Beier, J. (2013, May). Dis-organ-izing the subject: Thinking with sound. Paper presented at Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (UBC) 2013 Conference. Kelowna, Canada.
Beier, J. (2013, March). Visual literacy and the untimely transmogrification of the problem. Paper Presented at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Annual Conference. Fort Worth, Texas.
other publications
Beier, J. (2015). Reflections In/On the Dark. Superconversations Day 71: Jessie Beier responds to responds to Tom Holert's “Blackout City”. e-flux Conversations.
Beier. J. (2015). The Planning Itch. Superconversations Day 15: Jessie Beier responds to Arseny Zhilyaev, “Second Advents. On the Issue of Planning in Contemporary Art”. e-flux Conversations.
Beier, J. (2015). "An Education for Us", Essay for Jing Yuan Huang's "Confucius City Edmonton Project", Latitude 53 Contemporary Visual Culture.
Beier, J. (2015). "Terms of Employeement", Essay for Andrew Buszchak's (curator) "EMPLOYEEMENT: MEDITATIONS ON NEOLIBERAL EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES", Creative Practices Institute.
Beier, J. (2013). "Manus: Common Creators of Extraordinary Worlds", Essay for Sean Borchert’s (curator) “MANUS”, The Works International Visual Arts Society.