Halka: Spells for Gentleness

// Collectively improvised multimedia performance w/ Vivek Venkatesh, Owen Chapman, Ivar Bjørnson, Annabelle Brault, Danji Buck-Moore, José-Luis Cortés Santander, Martin Lalonde, and Veronica Florence Mockler, Performed at St. Jax Church on October 14 + 15, 2022, Montreal, Quebec //

Halka means gentle and subtle in Urdu. Through Halka, we explore the ethos of slow and purposeful creation. What does it mean to be gentle in the face of harshness? How lightly do we need to be to float and yet feel anchored?

On October 14–15, 2022, Halka brought together musicians, artists, and performers for two nights of live sound, collage-making, and multi-screen projections at St. Jax Church, Montreal via a performance that explored gentleness as an artistic and political force. Developed through a week-long residency at Autoland Audio, Halka featured live musical improvisation, circus performances, and an opening set by Leila Abdul-Rauf. A Youth Documentary Internship, led by Veronica Mockler, captured the creative process through the lens of Hunnayna Hemed, Kendra McDonald, and Kaymarie Sutherland, with their documentary set for release in 2023.

Project supported by Les Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and SSHRC.

Read more about the performances here >>>

Poster Design: Emma June Huebner.

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